Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"Absentee Friends," Simians and '80's Music and General Hilarity

You know, I did tell myself I was going to keep this current. Thankfully, I have a little more initiative due to a reader who gets bored during the day and requested new material.

Who else gets annoyed w/friends who drop off the face of the earth? Seriously.

It gets to be a pain in the ass when I hear things like "don't be a stranger" or "we should hang out more often" while I'm twisting arms for social contact. And it's not like they lead busy, jet-setter lives. Whether it's the onset of WoW addiction, being a hermit @home alone or just laziness(?), it seems there are days where people lose the motor skills and common decency to take 30 seconds out of their "hectic schedule" to return a phone call once in a while, or even (SHOCK! HORROR!) call, IM or e-mail me out of the blue. Am I the only one that sees this? Am I expecting too much of people? How much longer should I be the one making the effort? I dunno. But it's things like that which give a moment of clarity to being a pack-a-day smoker (i.e. stress).

The 2nd counselor appt. is tomorrow. First one went better than I planned on, though I'll bet dollars to donuts I'm going to start not liking to talk about shit like my twunt of a mother, my shortcomings w/the opposite sex, and whathaveyou. @least I have the rest of the day off. Beyond doing some tidying up and sitting in front of the Wii playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl, I've yet to know what'll be going down.

There's reasons I <3 the Internet. And, to allude to the title, I'd like to share a few.

Though there's chocolate much better than Cadbury's (don't even get me started on the wrongness of those Creme Eggs), it's quite the amusing spot.

Speaking of the animal kindgom...


"Hundreds of dogs, many dressed as babies or clowns, were taken to celebrate mass in this Nicaraguan town on Sunday, an annual ritual where the owners pray for their pets to be cured or avoid falling ill.


The faithful thank the saint for curing their pets or ask for the dogs to be protected from illness. The town's priest always conducts a special canine mass.

Good gravy. If I could have whatever they're smoking in search of "religious enlightenment" (riiiiiiiiiiiight. -Ed.) then I'd be a laidback motherfucker like no other.

Away from that Latoya Jackson-looking thing and back to me...

I have purchased a plane ticket for my trip to Texas. Now it's just a matter of mind over, uh, matter concerning my fear of riding the giant steel birds, as well as actually getting to the airport. I still look forward to the trip w/great enthusiam, though. Also, thinking about the warm temperatures leaves me engorged.

Can you tell I'm sick of weather in New England?


Unknown said...

Don't you DARE talk bad about Cadbury Eggs!

*chomps down on seventeen of em at once*

Unknown said...

you know ... some people update multiple times during the day ... just sayin.