Saturday, January 12, 2008

In Under a Month's Time...

...I'll be doing the paperwork and all the brouhaha to start seeing a therapist.. Hopefully it'll be the first step to learn how to manage myself, and appreciate who I really am. Stress, anxiety, and the like are a bitch like that. Losing a relationship, losing loved ones, frustration w/people dear to me, being stuck in a rut...while I make headway in small doses, it all gets to a point where everything crashes down, and I'm not strong enough to get myself out of the wreckage under my own power. I still don't know how this will all work out, but I hope this shows everyone I'm doing my best to make an effort.

2007 had a lot of rough patches, I'm hoping I can start paving those over in the coming year.

Just do your best to show me some patience, guys, k?

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